Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Rank had shown me a world witch is of interest to myself. It is illustrated in the former most expensive photograph, or any other malbaro ad for that matter. The world of the cowboy . One that is viewed as being lonely and out on the range. I know that it is not really lonely but I did imagine that it did happen out in the fields of Wyoming or someplace like that. The way that the attitude of the life style was portrayed was captivating to me. It was almost provocative in the sincere blue collar perspective of the world. It did not hold true to the stereo typed work ethic of the blue collar but of the family value. The story's the Grandma told about her grandson and about dealing with watching the more grim incidences witch accompany the rodeo life style. It all felt so true, so real.

The reading gave some very good insights to the work we wish to be doing. Or at least I’d like to be doing with the documentary. At times it seemed to be making reference to material that, today, is outdated. I did not discredit the reading for this but it did hinder the level of conectability. I liked the overall subject, that is to say: the origins of the documentary and even how it got its name.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I feel that the feedback I received was laking, I just did not feel the work was criticized to its fullest. I think that the bus section should be trimmed up a bit. Or reshot and then edited down. It dragged there was laked the pazzazze to hold the audience. I'd try and use a real stedycam next time or some more carted/ tracked ways of shooting as to stay smoother. This would effectively smooth out the weaknesses in the peice.

I remember being very fond of many of the other films. I think I will go back this week/weekend and try to view them agine. I haven't got my notes infrount of me but I think it was kate's video was one that I had an affinity for. When the camera is set on the counter top it makes me remeber dragging things along top tables and the floor, as a child imagining millies and car chases. The framing and camera work at inventive and strong. I am fully aware for what the content of Kate's peice is, the automotive connections is just my own association.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

aestetic cont

For this project I have a plan, a plan to depict the way it feels when I get thrown through my morning and in to the new day. The way I see it, I’m attempting to illustrate the ‘oh shit’ feeling we all sometimes have. Functionally the video will show my route to school (the art + design building) in several different modes; bike, car, bus, and maybe via walking. Then this footage will be sped up, way up. my hope is that a very hurried and emergency tone will then coat the footage. once I have it to this state I might chop it all up and mix it, this would be done to yield a nice ‘tripped’ feeling to the footage. No real theatrical value to this other then it would be fun to watch. I want to use the song “ feel the pain’ by Dinosaur jr.. I think that the melody, tone and even the lyrics are all fitting to this piece.
The feelings that are going through my head are that time is running, and you’re almost out. That there is a bit of life passing, that you must be at pace with the time (now). Panic, mortality, youth fleeting, the feeling of urgency. All these things are to be experienced whilst viewing my film.
Shot list:
As stated above I wish to compile footage shot from mounted camera poisons, this will hopefully yield a very combat feeling compositions and texture to the piece. I think it will end up very saving privet Ryan.

I will go bike, car, walking, and bus. If it goes long I’ll drop either walking (most likely or the bus they are the two longest). As far as the actual shots go, I plain to just watch what is going on and do it in a on the fly documentary style. Shooting what is captivating through the lens at that time.

I feel that the completed shot footage is solid. I like it on the computer , at the quickened pace, on the ipod format export it looks overwhelming at times. Witch I do not like but cannot alter other then a more full export. I tried to improve the ‘laggyer’ slower paced footage by mixing a quicker part of the song over toughs areas of the film.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


For this project I have a plan, a plan to depict the way it feels when I get thrown through my morning and in to the new day. The way I see it, I’m attempting to illustrate the ‘oh shit’ feeling we all sometimes have. Functionally the video will show my route to school (the art + design building) in several different modes; bike, car, bus, and maybe via walking. Then this footage will be sped up, way up. my hope is that a very hurried and emergency tone will then coat the footage. once I have it to this state I might chop it all up and mix it, this would be done to yield a nice ‘tripped’ feeling to the footage. No real theatrical value to this other then it would be fun to watch. I want to use the song “ feel the pain’ by Dinosaur jr.. I think that the melody, tone and even the lyrics are all fitting to this piece.
The feelings that are going through my head are that time is running, and you’re almost out. That there is a bit of life passing, that you must be at pace with the time (now). Panic, mortality, youth fleeting, the feeling of urgency. All these things are to be experienced whilst viewing my film.

inisible wall

In contrast to ‘the gaze’, The second reading was everything you want to do in presentation. It sold its self through the use of short (mostly) to the point stories that brought the subject matter to life. It made us, as the reader, care about what was happening. And thus take more from the readings. I think that that information that was in the first reading is more technically pertinent. I know that on sets the cast and crew are not allowed to intermingle for some of the same reasons. The ‘invisible wall’ is a very important barrier for filmmakers not to cross. If shooting a documentary the battle to preserve the integrity for the whole situation is the most important thing, even more so then the information its self.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Gaze

This site is poorly laid out. It just it, and it’s kitsch spiral bound legal tab back ground is just too much. The info on the site was good, it reiterated what we have been trying to discuss in class. I got a fair amount of information out of the site due to readings I had for other classes. I agree with what Shera was saying about it though. Very dry, English, It really feels to me as if it were just done to add a bit more to someone's CV, and give them more creditability on the subject. On the other hand I feel that it is an ‘okay’ resource to look at for a refresher on the sodalities of capturing the onlooking subjects of the world.