Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Rank had shown me a world witch is of interest to myself. It is illustrated in the former most expensive photograph, or any other malbaro ad for that matter. The world of the cowboy . One that is viewed as being lonely and out on the range. I know that it is not really lonely but I did imagine that it did happen out in the fields of Wyoming or someplace like that. The way that the attitude of the life style was portrayed was captivating to me. It was almost provocative in the sincere blue collar perspective of the world. It did not hold true to the stereo typed work ethic of the blue collar but of the family value. The story's the Grandma told about her grandson and about dealing with watching the more grim incidences witch accompany the rodeo life style. It all felt so true, so real.

The reading gave some very good insights to the work we wish to be doing. Or at least I’d like to be doing with the documentary. At times it seemed to be making reference to material that, today, is outdated. I did not discredit the reading for this but it did hinder the level of conectability. I liked the overall subject, that is to say: the origins of the documentary and even how it got its name.

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