Thursday, October 18, 2007


I feel that the feedback I received was laking, I just did not feel the work was criticized to its fullest. I think that the bus section should be trimmed up a bit. Or reshot and then edited down. It dragged there was laked the pazzazze to hold the audience. I'd try and use a real stedycam next time or some more carted/ tracked ways of shooting as to stay smoother. This would effectively smooth out the weaknesses in the peice.

I remember being very fond of many of the other films. I think I will go back this week/weekend and try to view them agine. I haven't got my notes infrount of me but I think it was kate's video was one that I had an affinity for. When the camera is set on the counter top it makes me remeber dragging things along top tables and the floor, as a child imagining millies and car chases. The framing and camera work at inventive and strong. I am fully aware for what the content of Kate's peice is, the automotive connections is just my own association.

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