Tuesday, October 9, 2007


For this project I have a plan, a plan to depict the way it feels when I get thrown through my morning and in to the new day. The way I see it, I’m attempting to illustrate the ‘oh shit’ feeling we all sometimes have. Functionally the video will show my route to school (the art + design building) in several different modes; bike, car, bus, and maybe via walking. Then this footage will be sped up, way up. my hope is that a very hurried and emergency tone will then coat the footage. once I have it to this state I might chop it all up and mix it, this would be done to yield a nice ‘tripped’ feeling to the footage. No real theatrical value to this other then it would be fun to watch. I want to use the song “ feel the pain’ by Dinosaur jr.. I think that the melody, tone and even the lyrics are all fitting to this piece.
The feelings that are going through my head are that time is running, and you’re almost out. That there is a bit of life passing, that you must be at pace with the time (now). Panic, mortality, youth fleeting, the feeling of urgency. All these things are to be experienced whilst viewing my film.

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